Digital Tolk- och översättningsbyrån
For Interpreters
Digitization, which frees up time for you as an interpreter
Our digital tool handles all administration, so you can spend more time being an interpreter.
Working as an interpreter can be stressful. An assignment requires more than interpretation, it requires planning, communication and transport. Interpreters set aside time daily to plan and report assignments. With our digital tool, we have come to the conclusion that you can save up to 11 hours a month on reporting.
Follow good interpreting practice with each assignment
An authorized interpreter must follow the Swedish Chamber of Commerce's interpreting regulations, read more about what is said in Good interpreting practice
Always start by introducing yourself to both parties in each language before the assignment starts. Remember to always have the interpreter ID visible before a visit.
Say the following: I am neutral and impartial, I have a duty of confidentiality, I interpret everything that is said, I interpret in I-form.
If you discover that there is a conflict of interest, you must resign from the assignment.
Impartiality and neutrality
You as an interpreter may not take sides and must have the same trust from both parties. You may not change, add or have opinions during the assignment.
Professional secrecy
As an interpreter, you follow the secrecy and the Public Access to Information Act, SOL (2009: 400) and have a duty of confidentiality during and after each assignment.
Responsible employees ensure quality for each assignment
What level are you?
Level 1, Other interpreter, Approved interpreter has undergone basic training or intro course and is tested and approved by the Language Experts.
Level 2, Trained interpreter and registered at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, has undergone undergraduate education under the supervision of MYH (Authority for Polytechnics).
Level 3, Authorized interpreter, by the Chamber of Deputies.
Level 4, Authorized Legal Interpreter or Medical Interpreter by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
Interpretation technique
For you as an interpreter, you are required to have the skills and attributes required in each specific situation. Below we describe the different methods;
Consecutive interpretation means interpretation after the person you are interpreting has spoken clearly. The interpreter sits with the others, listens to the person who is saying what is to be interpreted and then reproduces what he or she has said, often with the help of support notes. The technology is often used when technically advanced issues are discussed, at work lunches and study visits and in small groups. An experienced interpreter can in consecutive interpretation reproduce a summary of ten minutes with good accuracy.
Whispering interpretation or whispered simultaneous interpretation means that the interpreter interprets simultaneously and whispers the interpretation directly into the person's ear. Whisper interpretation can only be used when there are a small number of meeting participants who are also physically close to each other. Whisper interpretation is often used instead of consecutive interpretation to save time. Sometimes the whispering interpreter uses headphones to get as accurate an interception as possible.
Simultaneous interpretation is an interpretation technique where an interpreter interprets from one language to another in oral form or sign language at the same time as the message one interprets from is conveyed. In the EU, for example, where simultaneous interpretation is large, simultaneous interpretation often means that the interpreter listens to a speech in headphones, placed in a cabin, and then reproduces the speech in a microphone almost simultaneously. The meeting participants then listen in headphones where they choose which language they want to listen to.