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Industry change - through digitalisation

High quality through the proximity and competence principle

Through our training for interpreter users and the continuous follow-up of each assignment, we can maintain a frequently high quality. Our platform puts the interpreter in focus and ensures that it matches through proximity and the competence principle .

Work methodology and recruitment process

Our working methodology simplifies the interpreter's daily handling with a digital tool that registers and stores everything in real time. Our recruitment process lays the foundation for each individual interpreter and ensures that the highest quality is delivered on each assignment. With an efficient working method, we raise the quality.

We care about quality and the environment

As an interpreter, you face many challenges, in addition to transport between places and situations, you are challenged by an enormous time pressure. And this can have a huge impact on the quality of each visit. Our digital tool adapts routes, minimizes paper consumption and reduces unnecessary transport.

Our vision

Our vision is to create efficiency before each assignment so that the interpreter has greater accessibility. At the same time, the interpreter gets more space to increase his quality and competence.We are driven by efficiency, digital flow, competence, less time for administration and more for quality.


Suitability, impartiality, independence, professional secrecy and professionalism.

Headquartered in Stockholm Kungsholmen, but works modernly and digitally throughout Sweden

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